Song of joy and gladness
Inspired by Abdu’l-Baha’s exhortation to musicians to be a source of joy and gladness to the world of humanity, a couple in Victoria composed and sung the parts of a choral song, with the aid of friends. Composed during the recent lockdown in Melbourne the song was inspired by the following quotation of Abdu’l-Baha:
“O musician of God!... The songsters of fellowship that abide in the gardens of holiness must pour forth such a triumphant burst of songs in this age that the birds in the fields may wing their flight in a transport of delight; and in this divine festival, this heavenly banquet, they should play the lute and the harp, and the viol and the lyre in such wise that the people of east and west may be filled with exceeding joy and gladness, and be carried away with exultation and happiness.”