Origami coats
A children’s class in Logan, Queensland learned about how Abdu’l-Baha, through both His words and His deeds, shows us the ways of selflessness. They read the story below and made origami coats to represent the story.
Abdu’l-Baha preferred inexpensive clothes for Himself. More important to Him was to be scrupulously clean. When He had extra clothes, He always gave them away to others. One day He was going to entertain the governor of Akka. His wife felt that His coat was not good enough for the special occasion. Well ahead of time she went to the tailor and ordered a fine coat for Abdu’l-Baha. When the day of the governor’s visit arrived, the new coat was laid out for Him. But Abdu’l-Baha went searching for His old one. How could such an expensive coat, like the one laid out, possibly be His? For the same amount, five ordinary coats could be made. “Then, you see,” He told His wife, “I shall not only have a new one, but I shall also have four to give to others!”
Children made and decorated origami coats